Friday, June 09, 2006

FT and new plan

The other night I couldn't sleep so I played a $5 MTT. 135 registered and I got 5th for $50.67. It was nice.

In other news I have a new weekly poker plan. Very modest but it'll be productive if I stick to it. It's to make $75 profit a week. This will translate to about $300 a month. Not bad.

Here is what my document that I use to track my success looks like deep into week 1.


75 a week

The plan. Each week profit $75 and then cash out the $75. Anything above $75 will not be cashed out. Any failure to reach $75 will result in me using discretion to decide whether or not to withdraw anything.

6/4 – 6/11

Profit: $90.39

-$75 Cashout

Bankroll Profit $20.59


Pretty neat? Pretty neat. It makes BR growing slow, but that's life. I need money.